Presenting Your Data in Charts: Using Excel for Clearer Communication and Increased Impact

February 14, 2020
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Brown School, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63130
Excel Workshop: Presenting Data in Charts
Project Coordinator

Center for Public Health Systems Science & Brown School Evaluation Center

Meihsi Chiang, MSW, Evaluation Associate
Brown School Evaluation Center

Do you want to produce clear, professional, and effective visual displays of your data in Excel? This workshop will begin with a brief overview of best practices for developing charts. We will then work through a series of hands-on demonstrations of developing chart types, such as bar, column, dot plots, and line graphs in Excel, including how to decide what chart to use for the story you are trying to tell with your data. 

We will also discuss how to export and link charts to other Microsoft products, such as Word and PowerPoint. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to practice the principles learned in the workshop through hands-on exercises.

This is a hands-on workshop, using laptops equipped with Microsoft Excel 2016. A basic knowledge of Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2016 is highly recommended in order to fully participate in and learn from this workshop.

Class size is limited to 28.

Learn more and register (link to Brown School Professional Development)