Evaluation Planning

Project Date
Feb 2019 – June 2022
Type of Evaluation
Community-based, Faith-based
The Global Orphan Project works to break the orphan cycle through the power of community, commerce, and the love of Jesus. CarePortal is a web-based platform developed by the Global Orphan Project that connects a network of churches, partner non-profits, and child welfare agencies to address the needs of children and families. Since its launch in 2015, CarePortal has 1,900 partnering churches and has served over 44,000 children in 20 states.
The Evaluation Center partnered with CarePortal to develop an evaluation plan, including a logic model and evaluation question matrix.
Project Description
CarePortal is an online platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families to the community’s attention. Caseworkers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond. The Evaluation Center worked in close collaboration with the CarePortal team and stakeholders to develop an evaluation plan for the CarePortal and then implement it. The purpose of the evaluation was to demonstrate the degree to which the long-term outcomes of children and families who participate in CarePortal are achieved.
Evaluation Activities
- Developed an evaluation plan.
- Developed a survey and key informant interview guides and protocols.
- Collected, analyzed, and synthesized interview findings.
- Developed dissemination products with key findings and recommendations.
Our Products
- Evaluation plan, including logic model and methods matrix
- Descriptive summary of comparison group
- Key Informant interview: Thematic Analysis Snapshot
- One-page Snapshot
- Executive Summary
- Comprehensive Evaluation Report
Project Funder