Health Forward Foundation (formerly Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City)
High Impact Strategy Planning
Project Date
Sep 2016 – Dec 2017
Type of Evaluation
Community-based, Foundation
Health Forward Foundation (formerly Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City) works to eliminate barriers and promote quality health for the uninsured and underserved in the Kansas City region.
The Evaluation Center partnered with Health Forward Foundation to provide strategy development and evaluation assistance focused on preventing tobacco use among young adults and youth.
Project Description
Health Forward Foundation partnered with the Evaluation Center to explore the evidence-based strategies for preventing youth and young adult tobacco use and propose a funding strategy for the foundation.
The Evaluation Center designed and facilitated a participatory process that brought together the realities experienced by youth, the expertise of tobacco control community, and the experience of Health Forward board of directors, leaders, and staff. This evidence guided the development of a new funding strategy for the foundation.
Evaluation Center Activities
- Conducted focus groups with teens and young adults.
- Completed a literature review.
- Conducted interviews with stakeholders, such as state and local tobacco control experts and other organizations working within tobacco prevention.
- Analyzed existing tobacco data.
- Facilitated web-based learning sessions for foundation staff.
- Facilitated the development of a funding strategy plan.
Our Products
- Focus group and interview guides
- Focus group and interview findings reports
- Funding strategy plan
- Evaluation plan
Project Funder
Health Forward Foundation
Contact Person
Nancy Mueller, MPH
Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Evaluation Center Founding Director
- Phone: 314-935-5686
- Email: