Missouri Botanical Garden

Outdoor Youth Corps and St. Louis Green Teen Alliance Evaluations

Missouri Botanical Garden

Project Date
May 2018—Nov 2018     

Type of Evaluation
Planning, Process



Missouri Botanical Garden implements the Outdoor Youth Corps, a summer youth employment program that builds work and life skills and increases youth involvement and engagement with their community. They are also members of the St. Louis Green Teen Alliance, a multi-partner coalition focused on providing outdoor environmental employment opportunities for youth.

The Evaluation Center partnered with Missouri Botanical Garden to evaluate the Outdoor Youth Corps program and the St. Louis Green Teen Alliance.

Project Description


Missouri Botanical Garden implements the Outdoor Youth Corps, a summer youth employment program that builds work and life skills and increases youth involvement and engagement with their community. The Outdoor Youth Corps hires up to ten youth every summer to work on a diverse set of projects with partner organizations. The Garden is also a member of the St. Louis Green Teen Alliance, a multi-partner coalition focused on providing outdoor environmental employment opportunities for youth. Their goal is to grow the future of the green workforce by engaging youth from historically marginalized communities in environmental work.

Evaluation Center Activities

  • Develop an evaluation plan for the Outdoor Youth Corps
  • Develop a logic model for the St. Louis Green Teen Alliance
  • Conducted interviews with youth and partners of the Outdoor Youth Corps
  • Conducted interviews with St. Louis Green Teen Alliance partners
  • Facilitated at the convening of St. Louis Green Teen Alliance Partners.

Our Products

  • Evaluation plan, including logic model and methods matrix
  • Interview guides
  • Preliminary findings reports
  • Convening presentation and summary
  • Final evaluation reports

Contact Person
Heather Jacobsen, MPH

Heather Jacobsen, MPH

Evaluation Manager (she/her/hers)