GBVIMS+ Process Evaluation

Project Date

Apr 2021—Sept 2022

Type of Evaluation



Community-based, Foundation


UNICEF’s Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS+/Primero) is an inter-agency survivor-centered system that facilitates case management in humanitarian settings around the globe.

The Evaluation Center and the Center for Violence and Injury Prevention partnered with UNICEF (PI: Lindsay Stark) to develop a process evaluation plan to understand the experiences of the many users of the system in Jordan and South Sudan. The Center shared evaluation findings to support continued quality improvement and rollout of the system to additional countries.   

Project Description


UNICEF’s Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS+/Primero) is an inter-agency survivor-centered system and is built on an open-source application. It helps case managers and supervisors to systematically manage case information, facilitate quality improvement, and generate information to improve gender-based violence prevention and response efforts in humanitarian settings.

The Evaluation Center partnered with the Center for Violence and Injury Prevention and UNICEF to refine the current logic model and identify and prioritize a set of evaluation questions. Then, together with our partners at the Center for Violence and Injury Prevention, we designed a process evaluation to understand the rollout, uptake, and user experience with GBVIMS+ in Jordan and South Sudan at the individual, organizational, inter-agency, and country levels. The evaluation findings were used to inform quality improvement of the tool and processes, as well as the rollout to additional countries.

Evaluation Center Activities

The Evaluation Center and the CVIP:

  • Developed an evaluation plan.
  • Conducted surveys to gather users’ experience and satisfaction regarding the training, rollout and usage of the GBVIMS+.
  • Conducted focus groups and/or interviews with inter-agency members, in-country staff, and GBVIMS+ implementers.

Our Products

  • Evaluation plan, including logic model and methods matrix
  • Dissemination plan
  • Data collection tools and protocols
  • Findings briefs
  • Final report
  • Dissemination products
Project Funder


Contact Person
Liz Vestal, MSW, LMSW

Liz Vestal, MSW, LMSW

Evaluation Manager (they/them/theirs)